Is the Easter Bunny Real?

Little children believe what their parents tell them. Their little trusting eyes light up at the thought of a cute bunny coming to give presents in the spring. The cute chocolate bunny-shaped candies, colored eggs and jelly beans are abundant during the holiday. The candy, the Easter egg hunts, and …

Help your Children See Beyond Themselves: Instill in them a Worldview

By Lana Christian What scene do you face each day from dinnertime to bedtime? If you have kids, you’ll likely face at least a few of these: “I’m starving!” “That’s mine!” “I wanna …” “Gimme!” “Mooommmmm!” “He took ..” “She hit …” “Dad said …” “Can you?” No magic potion …

How to Deal with Your Child’s Privacy

Letting Curiosity Get the Better of You! As a parent, you might struggle with your child’s privacy. While cleaning his room, the temptation to look at a crumpled stack of papers on the desk, flip through an unlocked diary, or poke around the closet can be too strong to resist. …

Parenting Teenage Girls

What’s perhaps even worse than the dangerous opportunities teen girls are at risk for is the fact that most of them will not talk to their parents about these dangers they face. No matter how good your communication is with your daughter, there are things she will not and cannot …

But I’m Just a Kid

My seven year old refuses to make her bed. The reason? I’m too young. Who, I demand to know, has told her she’s too young? But the question lingers with no answer, perhaps it was me who encouraged her to loiter in her babyhood for more number of years than …