Learning Styles for Children

We all know that children cannot learn at once, so teachers need to make study interesting in a way that the children will find playing and learning are the same. Learning styles or tests are different ways of learning methods, where all preferable approaches are used to make the learning …

Baby Sign Language

Infants have the ability to understand language soon after they are born. However, they are not equipped to produce speech until after 12 to 24 months of age. Due to this, parents do not understand what their child is thinking. Teaching your child signs and gestures as well as spoken …

Tips to Relieve Your Baby’s Gas

Gas in newborns and babies less than one year old is a common condition, which every mother has faced at some point or the other in her child’s growing years. According to lactation specialists, gas is produced when a newborn feeds for the first time, either breast milk or baby …

Causes of Fussy Baby at Night

When you have a baby at home who cries at night, it’s quite tough to find out what exactly is bothering the baby in the commotion to quieten him/her. You try out many things like changing the diapers, feeding, singing or even taking him out for walks in the middle …

How to Swaddle a Baby

When a baby comes into this world, the environment is very new to him. He finds it difficult to adjust to such a new surrounding. A baby, for a few months, doesn’t even understand the difference between night and day. He will sleep, eat, and cry whenever he wishes to. …