Brain Development in Early Childhood

Unlike the development of the rest of the body, brain development in the womb is not complete. Our brain is made of a number of cells, called neurons, that process the information it receives. A new-born baby possesses around 1 million neurons. Structurally speaking, the brain development is complete, however, …

Organizational Skills for Kids

Every child is different, which is why every child needs to be brought up in a different way. Some kid may need a pat on the back and some may need a gentle reprimand, but the purpose of the act should not be lost. Some children are more organized than …

Early Childhood Intervention

“Sydney was an 18-month-old baby. He was quite physically active and enjoyed spending time with his parents Rodney and Monica. However, like any average child of his age, he had still not mastered talking. He used to respond to sounds that surrounded him and responded with non-verbal tones. He could …

Psychosocial Theory of Development

The various stages of psychosocial development were actualized by Erik Erikson (1902 – 1994), in his ‘Psychosocial Theory of Development’, while attempting to understand the development of human beings on the basis of their social interaction. The fabric of human psyche was scrutinized by dissecting psychosocial development into 8 distinct …

Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages of Development

Erik Erikson, the famous developmental psychologist and psychoanalyst, developed a theory known as the Psychosocial Stages of Development. In this theory on personality development of humans, Erikson put forward eight stages, that begin when a child is born and end when the person dies at an old age. In every …