
Numerous medical advances have helped health care professionals manage, lessen, and prevent certain side effects of cancer treatments. But parents whose kids need chemotherapy — one of the most common treatments for childhood cancer — often have many questions and concerns about it. About Chemotherapy Chemotherapy (often just called “chemo”) …

Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Complementary and alternative medicine might make you think of pungent herbal teas, chanting, or meditation. In fact, both herbal remedies and meditation, as well as dozens of other treatments, fall under the heading of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). Although there is no strict definition of CAM, it generally includes …

Frequently Asked Questions About Immunizations

Since the start of widespread vaccinations in the United States, cases of once common childhood illnesses like measles and diphtheria have dropped dramatically. Immunizations have protected millions of kids from dangerous diseases and saved thousands of lives. In fact, certain diseases crop up so rarely now that parents sometimes ask if …

How to Safely Give Acetaminophen

How to Safely Give Acetaminophen Acetaminophen (uh-see-tuh-MI-nuh-fen) is an over-the-counter medicine taken to relieve fever and pain. It’s a safe drug when used correctly for a wide variety of problems, but taking too high a dose can make a child very sick. Overdosing can lead to liver damage and, in …

How to Safely Give Ibuprofen

Ibuprofen (eye-byoo-PRO-fen) is an over-the-counter medicine taken to relieve aches and pain and reduce fever. It’s a safe drug when used correctly, but taking too much can make a child very sick. Overdosing can lead to stomach or intestinal problems. So it’s important to know how to properly give the …

Medications: Using Them Safely

Medication Safety Giving kids medicine safely can be complicated. And many parents feel the pressure when a young child needs certain medications, knowing that giving too much or too little could cause serious side effects. But with a little knowledge and a lot of double-checking, you can give your kids medicine safely and …

Reye Syndrome

Reye syndrome is an extremely rare but serious illness that can affect the brain and liver. It’s most common in kids who are recovering from a viral infection. Reye syndrome is named after Australian pathologist R. Douglas Reye, who first reported it in 1963. It’s still not well understood, but studies …

Talking to the Pharmacist

If your child is sick, you’ll probably have many questions to ask your doctor. But have you made a list of questions and concerns to share with your pharmacist? If you’re like most parents, the answer is probably “very few” or “none.” But today’s pharmacists are trained to provide valuable …

Teaching Your Child How to Swallow Pills

Swallowing a pill is an important skill that many of us take for granted until we have a child who needs to swallow a pill. Many things — from anxiety to stubbornness — can make it harder for some kids to swallow pills. But don’t worry. Just like any skill, …