With the help of a frilly dress, tiara, and magic wand, your 3-year-old is transformed into the queen of a magical universe where her hobby horse is a winged unicorn. When you’re asked to taste the pink clouds, you agree that they’re a lot like bubblegum. Your son pulls a …
Toddler Reading Time
Gabrielle takes a break from playing at her kitchen set and reaches into her basket of books. She roots around until she finds her current favorite by Richard Scarry, then delivers the book to her mother, who knows just what page to skip to. Gabrielle sits in her mom’s lap …
Toddlers: Learning by Playing
Encourage Activity It might look like just child’s play, but toddlers are hard at work learning important physical skills as they gain muscle control, balance, and coordination. Each new skill lets them progress to the next one, building on a foundation that leads to more complicated physical tasks, such as …
What’s Funny to a Preschooler?
By the preschool years, kids are humor veterans. After all, they’ve been smiling and laughing for years. A reliable host of tricks and jokes will crack them up, and even as preschoolers get older, they continue to be amused by many of the things they found funny as toddlers. The …
What’s Funny to a School-Age Child?
So did you hear about the colt with a cold? He’s a little hoarse. How about the pig with a rash? He needed a little oinkment. If these jokes get a laugh at your dinner table, we’re guessing you have a school-age child. Orange Ya Gonna Laugh? Around age 6 …
What’s Funny to a Toddler?
Developing a Sense of Humor Dylan is busy in the bathtub, trying on a variety of “hats.” First, it’s the little bucket he uses as a bath toy. Then it’s his washcloth, then his rubber duck. He finds all this very funny. But when his dad takes the rubber duck …