It is nighttime and the house turns into a battlefield where your toddler doesn’t want to sleep and you are adamant that he/she should sleep. Even though you have sung lullabies, read stories and played with him/her still your little munchkin is showing no signs of sleep. These testing times …
Separation Anxiety in Children
He refuses to go to school, he fears sleeping alone at night, and he cannot fathom spending a moment outside your shadow. What is this behavior your child is exhibiting? Should you be concerned about it? Every child has to deal with separation from parents in terms of having to …
Compulsive Behavior in Children
Compulsive behavior. Something that is a compulsion, that seems mandatory, the inability to do something which might lead to personal harm. Compulsive behavior? Certain patterns in behavior that the person feels he/she needs to follow. Compulsive behavior is a part of the wider term―Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and is a …
Conduct Disorder in Children
Conduct disorder can also be referred as ‘disruptive behavioral disorder’. Children suffering from this disorder have trouble following the social codes of conduct. The lack of social development in children inclines them towards violating laws and behaving in an anti-social manner. This condition mostly affects children in the age group …
Feral Children
Ever since the legend of Romulus and Remus, the twins who were brought up by a she-wolf and who founded Rome; people have been intrigued and fascinated by stories of children raised by wild animals in forests. Feral children are the ones who are brought up by wild animals, away …
Behavioral Disorders in Children
Naughtiness and occasional refusal to listen to parents is something that is very commonly associated with childhood. This kind of behavior is attributed to a child’s inability to understand the repercussions of an inadequate action. However, as a child grows up, these problems do get resolved. But, not in every …
My Child Is Stealing
Your child does homework on time, helps you clear the table after dinner, and even helps with housework on the weekends. So can it be true that this same child is stealing? Before you react, it helps to know a little about why kids steal and where to get help. …
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a condition that can affect people of any age — including kids and teens. It causes people to have obsessions, which are fears, doubts, and worries that take over and interrupt a person’s normal thoughts and routines. To get relief from obsessive thoughts, people with OCD develop …
Many young kids put nonfood items in their mouths at one time or another. They’re naturally curious about their environment and might, for instance, eat some dirt out of the sandbox. Kids with pica, however, go beyond this innocent exploration of their surroundings. About Pica The word pica comes from the …
Soiling (Encopresis)
If your child has bowel movements (BMs) in places other than the toilet, you know how frustrating it can be. Many parents assume that kids who soil their pants are simply misbehaving or that they’re too lazy to use the bathroom when they have the urge to go. The truth …