A Cold or Allergies: Which Is It?

My son has been sneezing for the past few weeks and blows his nose constantly. How can I tell if he has allergies or just a lingering cold? – Michelle Seasonal allergies and the common cold can be so much alike that it’s sometimes hard to tell the two apart. …

All About Allergies

Dust, cats, peanuts, cockroaches. An odd grouping, but one with a common thread — people can be allergic to them. Allergies are a major cause of illness in the United States. Up to 50 million Americans, including millions of kids, have some type of allergy. In fact, allergies lead to about 2 …

Allergy Shots

Many kids have allergies — in fact, they’re the most common cause of chronic nasal congestion in children. Allergen immunotherapy (allergy shots) can be an effective treatment for certain allergies. Here are the basics on allergy shots and how to help a child deal with them. Why Allergy Shots Are Used An …

Can Kids Get Allergies All Year?

My son has been congested for what seems like months now. He sometimes has a runny nose and itchy, watery eyes, too. Could this be allergies? – Fiona If the seasons have changed and your son has continued to have allergy symptoms, it’s possible that he has perennial (year-round) allergies, …

Celiac Disease

About Celiac Disease Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder caused by an intolerance to gluten. Gluten is the general name of the proteins found in wheat, rye, and barley and other grains derived from them. In kids with celiac disease, gluten damages villi, the finger-like projections in the small intestine …

Do Allergies Cause Asthma?

My daughter has asthma and I’m worried that her younger brother might develop it, too. He has seasonal allergies and I’ve heard that allergies can cause asthma. Is this true? – Elisha No, allergies do not cause a person to develop asthma. But these two conditions are related, so it’s …


Most kids get itchy rashes at one time or another. But eczema can be a nuisance that may prompt scratching that makes the problem worse. The term eczema refers to a number of different skin conditions in which the skin is red and irritated and sometimes has small, fluid-filled bumps that …

Egg Allergy

Helping your child manage an egg allergy means being aware of what he or she eats and reading food labels carefully. It’s work, but it’s important. About Egg Allergy Eggs in themselves aren’t bad, but when someone is allergic to them, the body thinks they are. When a person is …

Environmental Control Measures

Parents of kids with allergies should use environmental control measures to reduce their child’s exposure to allergy triggers. Some are easy to do, but others can be costly or fairly time-consuming. Talk with your doctor or health care provider about starting with environmental control measures that will limit the allergens and …

Fish Allergy

About Fish Allergy A fish allergy is not exactly the same as a seafood allergy. Seafood includes both fish (like tuna or cod) and shellfish (like lobster or clams). Even though they both fall into the category of “seafood,” fish and shellfish are biologically different. So shellfish will not cause …