Mastitis Treatment

Mastitis is a medical condition, which causes inflammation of the breast tissues. Usually, nursing mothers are affected by this condition, which may also occur in women who do not lactate. Such inflammation can be caused by various reasons, but the most common one is infection. Infection is mostly caused by …

How to Increase Breast Milk Supply

A common worry of most mothers is whether they are producing enough milk for their babies. Breastfeeding is important for both the baby as well as the mother. It is extremely important for the baby as breast milk meets all its nutritional requirements, and also provides a number of immunological …

Mastitis Symptoms

Mastitis is a type of inflammation in the body, where there is inflammation of the breast tissues that many women feel not just during breastfeeding, but at other times also. However, higher incidence is seen in nursing mothers, because of which it is also known as lactation mastitis. It occurs …

Fenugreek for Lactation

Fenugreek is an ancient herb, which has been used since ages for its medicinal properties. It comes handy in treating a number of ailments as well. This herb was accorded a higher position by Hippocrates, as well as the Greek and Roman physicians. It is referred to as ‘Trigonella foenum-graecum …

Breastfeeding and Alcohol Consumption

Life is difficult for an expectant mother, before her child arrives. Yet, having a baby is much more difficult post delivery, because the mother has to make many changes to her diet, routine, and life. Though this adjustment is already heavy due to the baby’s added responsibility, it becomes worse …

Diet While You’re Breastfeeding

Just holding your bundle of joy is a bliss like no other. Having a baby, is the defining moment in a woman’s life. A mother always wants to provide the best care and nutrition for her child. It begins, right from the time she conceives the baby. Expecting mothers, add …

Breastfeeding FAQs: Supply and Demand

Whether you’re a new mom or a seasoned parenting pro, breastfeeding often comes with its fair share of questions. Here are answers to some common queries that mothers — new and veteran — may have. How can I increase my milk supply? Your milk supply is determined by the stimulation …

Breastfeeding FAQs: Your Eating and Drinking Habits

Whether you’re a new mom or a seasoned parenting pro, breastfeeding often comes with its fair share of questions. Here are answers to some common queries that mothers — new and veteran — may have. What should I eat? Just as when you were pregnant, it’s important to eat well …

Breastfeeding vs. Formula Feeding

Choosing whether to breastfeed or formula feed their baby is one of the biggest decisions expectant and new parents will make. A number of health organizations — including the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the American Medical Association (AMA), and the World Health Organization (WHO) — recommend breastfeeding as the best …

Burping Your Baby

Feeding a baby is an exciting experience for any new parent. It can also be a little intimidating, especially if you don’t know what to expect. So here’s a quick guide to an important aspect of feeding — burping. Burping helps to get rid of some of the air that …