A child’s mind is “tabula rasa” that can receive everything the way you convey to her or him. Some of the children will not get new concepts easily; on the other hand, few learn them quickly without any repetition. So rules vary as per the students. Students may face problems in listening, speaking, reading, and writing (LSRW) skills. These are the prior skills of learning, lack of any of these skills can make the students lagging behind others. Please remember, your teaching should include all possible types of methods that provides a stimulus to the brain without burdening them.
Learning Styles
Storytelling: Teachers can teach through storytelling method by putting imaginary characters to real life, they can also use ideals from the history if they’re teaching politics, history, and government. Even you can name the characters of the story with the names of your students. This will surely prove positive, as using one’s name in the story will create more interest, students will easily relate to them.
Diagnostic Test: In diagnostic test, the teacher knows about students’ linguistic, phonological knowledge as well as grammar by either taking a test or giving them a paragraph to read loudly in the class. Like in medicine, doctors report symptoms of patient to make a diagnosis, here teacher analyzes weak points of their students. Teachers can also use drill methods like repetition, mugging up in the class, etc.
Remedial Teaching: One can go through remedial teaching after completing diagnostic test. Here major defects of learning are detected and given an extra stroke of instruction between regular teachings. Students’ rare and ignored mistakes are noticed and given them a polished look. e.g. the use of articles can be a part of remedial teaching if the students wrote words like – a sun (the sun), an university (a university), the John (John) etc. that are incorrect. Therefore, ‘How to use articles’ can be added in your remedial teaching.
Teaching Through Playing: Playing is a part of tactile learning process, as play becomes one of the mediums of learning, thus this style creates a social inclusive environment for learners. We have manipulative, block, sand, and water plays to teach them develop their creativity. Role-playing is one of the methods of psychotherapy that generates live acting, establishment of situation, development of characters and their nature etc. It gives lots of fun as well as learning.
Three Learning Activities
For Auditory Learner: Debate, tape-recording, oral-representation, puppet show, panel discussion, and reciting songs or poems.
For Visual Learner: Use of chart, map or diagram, reading and writing of books, video aids in forms of CDs and DVDs, photography, movies, video camera, etc.
For Tactile/Kinesthetic Learner: Modern learning needs more than traditional way of passive learning. Tactile activities are demonstrations, dance, different body games like rocking, field trip, modeling, musical performance, etc. One can also learn through latest Internet and Online programs, tutorials, and demonstrations.
It is essential that both parents and teachers should interact on the issues likes how to deal with peer pressure, bullying, teacher’s criticism, punishments, etc. Parents being the first teachers need to aware about their child’s physical and mental state. Some parents prefer homeschooling or sometimes make availability of new techniques like playpen may spoil their adaptive nature early in the childhood. Therefore, real learning should be natural, easy, and interesting that lasts forever in the minds of children.