Chiggers (also called harvest mites or red mites) are tiny red mites whose bites aren’t painful but do cause intense itching shortly after the bite happens. Chiggers are smaller than a period at the end of a sentence (most can only be seen with a magnifying glass). These members of …
Giardiasis, an illness that affects the digestive tract (stomach and intestines), is caused by a microscopic parasite called Giardia lamblia. The parasite attaches itself to the lining of the small intestines in humans, where it interferes with the body’s absorption of fats and carbohydrates from digested foods. Giardia is one of …
Head Lice
The head louse is a tiny, wingless parasitic insect that lives among human hairs and feeds on tiny amounts of blood drawn from the scalp. Lice (the plural of louse) are a very common problem, especially for kids. They’re contagious, annoying, and sometimes tough to get rid of. Has your …
Infections That Pets Carry
Caring for pets is a great learning experience for kids, teaching them responsibility, gentleness, and respect for other living beings. Like adults, kids can benefit from the companionship, affection, and relationships they share with their pets. But animals and pets can spread infections to humans, especially kids. So if you’re …
About Malaria Malaria is a common infection in hot, tropical areas but can also occur (very rarely) in temperate climates. A serious illness, malaria can cause mild illness in some and life-threatening illness in others. Malaria can be cured if treated. It is caused by parasites of the Plasmodium species, …
Pinworm is an intestinal infection caused by tiny parasitic worms. One of the most common roundworm infections, pinworm infections affect millions of people each year, particularly school-age kids. If your child develops a pinworm infection, try not to worry. Pinworms don’t cause any harm (just itching), and it won’t take …
Pubic Lice
About Pubic Lice Pubic lice (often called “crabs” because of their crab-like appearance under a microscope) are six-legged creatures that most commonly infest hair in the pubic area, although they also can infest other body hair. In most cases, pubic lice are transmitted sexually from the pubic hair of one …
When common parasites of dogs and cats infect humans, the illness is called toxocariasis (or visceral larva migrans). Toxocariasis usually affects kids under age 10. Especially at risk are those who like to put things in their mouths, or kids whose families have pet dogs or cats. Signs and Symptoms …
Toxoplasmosis is an infection by a tiny parasite (Toxoplasma gondii) that can live inside the cells of humans and animals, especially cats and farm animals. If you have been pregnant, you may already know it’s important to avoid toxoplasmosis, which people can develop by cleaning the litter box of an …
Trichomoniasis, one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), is caused by a parasite called trichomonas vaginalis. This parasite can live in the urogenital tract of males and females and infect any sexually active person, especially those who are not using protection or who have multiple partners. Trichomoniasis (often …