When Can Young Kids Start Exercising?

I have a 5-year-old son. Is he too young to start exercising? – Dorea Encouraging kids to be physically active is important at any age. In fact, kids who are active at a young age tend to stay active later in life — and have a lower risk of becoming …

When Should Kids Switch to Skim Milk?

I know that at some point kids should drink skim milk as part of a low-fat diet. But what’s the right age to switch kids from whole milk to skim milk? – Sheila Breast milk is the food of choice for at least the first year or beyond. Cow’s milk should …

Why Is Breakfast So Important?

Is it really true that “breakfast is the most important meal of the day”? – Michael Breakfast is indeed a very important meal. A good breakfast fuels you up and gets you ready for the day. In general, kids and teens who eat breakfast have more energy, do better in school, and …

Body Mass Index (BMI) Charts

For years, doctors have used height and weight measurements to assess a child’s physical growth in relation to other kids the same age. Now they have another tool: body mass index (BMI). BMI is a calculation that uses height and weight to estimate how much body fat someone has. Doctors …

What Is a BMI Report Card?

My son is 6 years old, and I just got his BMI report card from school. It says he is overweight. What does that mean? What do I do now? – Amy BMI, or body mass index, is a calculation that uses height and weight to estimate how much body …


Appendicitis (inflammation of the appendix) requires immediate medical attention. So it’s important to know its symptoms — and how they differ from a run-of-the-mill stomachache — so you can get medical care right away if your child has them. The first symptoms of appendicitis usually are a mild fever and pain …


Ascariasis is an intestinal infection caused by a parasitic roundworm. While globally it is the most common human infection caused by worms, ascariasis is rare in the United States. Most cases happen in areas with poor sanitation or crowded living conditions. Signs and Symptoms Kids are more likely than adults to develop …

Campylobacter Infections

Campylobacter bacteria, usually transmitted in contaminated food or water, can infect the gastrointestinal tract and cause diarrhea, fever, and cramps. Good hand-washing and food safety habits will help prevent Campylobacter infections (or campylobacteriosis), which usually clear up on their own but sometimes are treated with antibiotics. Campylobacter infects over 2 million people …


Cholera is a serious and sometimes life-threatening infection that mainly affects people in developing countries, where clean water and other sanitation measures are hard to come by. If you live in the United States, the chances of someone in your family getting cholera are slim. But if you’re planning to …

Dengue Fever

Dengue fever is a tropical disease caused by a virus carried by mosquitoes. The virus can cause fever, headaches, rashes, and pain throughout the body. Most cases of dengue fever are mild and go away on their own after about a week. Dengue fever rarely strikes in the United States …