Bonding With Your Baby

Bonding is the intense attachment that develops between parents and their baby. It makes parents want to shower their baby with love and affection and to protect and care for their little one. Bonding gets parents up in the middle of the night to feed their hungry baby and makes them …

Choosing Safe Baby Products: Toys

All toys you select for your baby should meet safety standards. The tips below can help you find safe toys for your little one. Once the toys are at home, check them often for loose or broken parts. What to look for: Always follow all manufacturers’ age recommendations. Some toys have small …

earning, Play, and Your 8- to 12-Month-Old

Your child has gone from tiny newborn to curious infant, reaching out and exploring his or her surroundings. That curiosity and readiness to learn will continue as your baby becomes more mobile during these next few months. What Is My Child Learning? Your little one will make great strides in learning. Play …

Learning, Play, and Your 1- to 2-Year-Old

What Your Toddler Is Learning Kids transition from babies to toddlers during the second year of life, as tentative first steps give way to confident walking. As your toddler starts exploring, be sure to childproof your home to prevent household accidents. Language. Kids this age also make major strides in understanding language and …

Learning, Play, and Your 1- to 3-Month-Old

What Your Baby Is Learning After learning to recognize your voice, your face, and your touch, and to associate them with comfort, your baby will start responding even more to you during these months — and will even give you a smile! Babies this age spend more time awake and alert and become …

Learning, Play, and Your 4- to 7-Month-Old

What Your Baby Is Learning By 4 months old, your baby has learned to recognize you and familiar caregivers, focus and pay attention to things, and actively engage your attention. Your infant will learn to sit during this time, and in the next few months will begin exploring by reaching out …

Reading Books to Babies

Jacob loves books. His mom knows this because when she sits down to read to him every night, he waves his arms excitedly. His favorite page of “Goodnight Moon” shows a cow jumping over the moon. He squeals and reaches for the book every time he sees it. When she …

What Toys Can Help Improve a Baby’s Motor Skills?

I want to give my 11-month-old son toys that will help his motor skills. Do you have any suggestions? – Rebecca Babies this age may be crawling, “cruising,” walking, and grasping things all around them. To encourage exploration and fine motor skills, try giving him toys that have a cause …

Failure to Thrive

Most kids steadily gain weight and grow quickly within the first few years of life. But in some cases, kids don’t meet these expected standards of growth. When this happens, it’s called “failure to thrive.” Doctors say children “fail to thrive” when they don’t gain weight as expected. Often, these kids also …

Growth Charts

About Growth Charts Look at any class picture, and you’ll see kids of the same age in all shapes and sizes. Some kids look tiny next to their peers, while others literally stand head and shoulders above their classmates. As easy as it is to make these comparisons and to …