“She’s not really good at soccer and she doesn’t really like it, but all her friends are doing it.” “If I miss a practice, even for a doctor’s appointment, I get benched.” “If my son didn’t have an after-school activity every day of the week, he’d sit around eating junk …
My Son Is Being Deployed; How Do I Help My Other Kids Cope?
How can I help my younger children deal with their older brother’s deployment? – Beth When your son or daughter in the military is deployed, you probably have many emotions. It’s natural to feel proud of his or her service and courage. It’s also natural to feel sad or worried about …
Natural Disasters: How Families Can Help
All too often, the news is filled with upsetting reports of the devastating effects of tornadoes, hurricanes, typhoons, floods, tsunamis, and other forces of nature. In their aftermath, many people want to know how to aid those who’ve been displaced or injured. Here are some ways that families can help. …
How Can I Reassure My Daughter That She’ll Get Her Period?
Two of my daughter’s friends got their periods, and she’s worried because she hasn’t gotten hers yet. What can I do to reassure her? – Emmeline You can start by telling her that every girl’s body has its own schedule. Some girls get their period by age 9, but others don’t …
Is It Normal for an 11-Year-Old Boy to Fondle Himself?
The other day, I walked into the bathroom and caught my 11-year-old son fondling his penis. Is this normal? I remember the old warning about boys going blind from this. It’s not true, is it? – Jane As kids mature physically and emotionally, they become increasingly curious about their sexuality and …
My 1-Year-Old Son Always Tries to Touch His Penis. Is This Masturbation?
Lately, when I change my 1-year-old son’s diaper, he reaches for his penis. Is that normal? Is that masturbation? – Janice Many concerned parents call their doctors because their kids touch their genitals during diaper changes or their baby boys have frequent erections. They’re reassured that these behaviors are perfectly …
Sexual Development
Though sexual development is typically associated with the teen years, in reality young kids develop an emotional and physical foundation for sexuality in many subtle ways from infancy. Physical and emotional changes become more dramatic and complex with the onset of puberty and into the teen years, and kids are likely …
Sexual Orientation
Think back to when you were in junior high or high school and you talked to a cute girl or guy. Did you blush, feel your heart race, or maybe experience those first physical feelings of sexual arousal? Adolescence is the dawn of sexual attraction. It happens due to the …
Should Girls Who Aren’t Sexually Active Be Vaccinated Against HPV?
I’ve heard about the HPV vaccine for teenage girls. But I’m not sure my 14-year-old daughter needs it since she’s not sexually active. What should I do? – Lora The HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccine actually has the best chance of protecting against infection if the series of shots is given before a person becomes …
Understanding Early Sexual Development
To parents of infants and toddlers, their children’s sexual development may seem a long way off. But actually, sexual development begins in a child’s very first years. Infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and young school-aged kids develop an emotional and physical foundation for sexuality in many subtle ways as they grow. Just …