Is It OK for Kids to Sleep After a Possible Concussion?

Should kids be kept awake after a possible concussion? Or is it OK for them to sleep? – Erin It’s OK to allow a child to fall asleep after a possible concussion. In fact, especially for young kids, it can be difficult to keep them awake if they need to be …

Playground Safety

Playgrounds and outdoor play equipment offer kids fresh air, friends, and exercise. So it’s important for parents to make sure that faulty equipment, improper surfaces, and careless behavior don’t ruin the fun. Each year, more than 200,000 kids are treated in hospital ERs for playground-related injuries. Many of these accidents can …

Preventing Children’s Sports Injuries

Causes of Sports Injuries Participation in any sport, whether it’s recreational bike riding or Pee-Wee football, can teach kids to stretch their limits and learn sportsmanship and discipline. But any sport also carries the potential for injury. By knowing the causes of sports injuries and how to prevent them, you …

Safety Tips: Baseball

There’s a reason why baseball has been called our national pastime for decades. It’s as American as hot dogs and apple pie. It’s been a summer tradition in big cities and little towns across the U.S.A. for generations. It’s a great team sport, and it’s fun. Why Baseball Safety Is …

Safety Tips: Basketball

From the asphalt courts of Harlem to the high school gyms of Indiana, basketball is a way of life for millions of American kids and teens. It may be fun to play and great exercise, but basketball is also a contact sport, and injuries occur frequently. Also, since basketball players …

Safety Tips: Hockey

With non-stop action and high-speed team play, hockey is a great sport for kids. Sometimes called “the fastest game on ice,” it’s a great way to get exercise, and with youth and adult programs throughout the country, chances are no matter what your child’s age or skill level, there is …

Safety Tips: Skateboarding

Skateboarding’s popularity has soared in the last few decades, and offshoots like longboarding and mountain-boarding are becoming more common. But skateboarding also can be an easy way for kids to get hurt, particularly if they skate in the wrong place or don’t wear protective gear. Scrapes and bruises are almost a …

Safety Tips: Skiing

Flying effortlessly down a snow-covered slope, feeling the wind in your face and soaking up the beautiful mountain scenery — there’s a lot to love about skiing. It’s a sport that kids can learn at a young age and continue doing for the rest of their lives, and it can …

Safety Tips: Sledding

Sledding with friends and family members has been a winter ritual for generations. Anywhere there’s snow and a hillside, you can find people sledding. You probably went sledding as a kid, and you’ll want to share this fun activity with your kids. But sledding can also cause injuries, some of …

Safety Tips: Snowboarding

Like surfing down a frozen white wave, snowboarding is a great way for kids to have fun and get exercise during those cold winter months. It’s relatively easy to learn, and it can take them to some of the most spectacular places on Earth. But snowboarding can also present some …