Pregnancy and Prenatal Care
The cost calculation begins from the decision to have a baby itself. The couple should consider getting a thorough examination of reproductive health as a first step towards healthy pregnancy. Some couples may have to undergo fertility treatments, which can be expensive. Even if you assume that you’ll conceive effortlessly, you may still have to incur many other expenses. They typically include various blood tests, ultrasound, and other specialized tests which the doctor may suggest. Each of these tests may cost anywhere between $30 to $200. Besides, you will be required to take several prenatal vitamins, supplements, etc., which may add to your expenses. Most of these expenses will not be covered under your health insurance.
Childbirth can be the most substantial expense of having a baby, if you decide to give birth at a hospital. For a normal vaginal delivery it can cost between $5,000 – $10,000 depending upon the services offered at the hospital. If you are required to undergo a C-section, expect to add at least $2,000 to the above cost. It will increase sharply if you are required to stay in hospital for additional period. Similarly, if your baby is born premature or if he/she needs medical care at birth itself, be prepared to spend more. The expenses for neonatal care may range anywhere between $5,000 – $200,000. Even those who decide to have an unassisted birth or birth at home, will have to pay towards certain basic medical amenities and the fees of the midwife or nurse.
The actual expenses of raising a child begin after a child is born and continue until he/she is into her late teens. It includes an array of expenses such as baby food or formula, diapers, immunizations, medicines, clothes, and numerous other things. All these baby products and health services may cost you anywhere between $1,300 – $2,000 per month. Add to it the cost of nanny or a child care provider. Day care centers only admit babies that are 3 months or older. A day care may require anywhere between $170 – $300 a week. If you have a family member to look after your child, you can deduct this expense. However, financial losses may come in the form of loss of income from one partner if he/she decides to care for the child full-time. The expenses will go on increasing exponentially thereon. By the time your child is 18 years of age, you will have spent around a quarter million dollars on him/her.
Generally, it is said that the cost of raising a baby is maximum in the first year. However, studies and surveys have revealed that the cost increases with the rising age of children.