Organizational Skills for Kids

Every child is different, which is why every child needs to be brought up in a different way. Some kid may need a pat on the back and some may need a gentle reprimand, but the purpose of the act should not be lost. Some children are more organized than their peers. Nonetheless, organizational skills are present in every child. These skills have to be discovered, developed, and honed to make them successful persons in future. Teach your child to be more organized so that the transition from playful summer vacation to back-to-school routine will come with the perfect ease.

Constantly spoon feeding your child makes him or her handicap for life. It makes them adamant and very dependent on people around them. It is easy to bring about a change in the mindset of a child, but as they grow up to be teenagers and adolescents, it will become more difficult. These skills are meant to help them live a more disciplined life, where they learn to manage their time, pocket money, homework, play hours, and behavior.

Things To Do
Make ‘things to do’ list of household chores, homework, birthday parties to attend, camps, and breaks, so that the kids do not waste their idle hours. Along with organization, your child will quickly assimilate the importance of prioritizing. Give your child a notepad and you too keep a copy of this list so that it is easier for you to keep the follow-up. This will also help your child cope up with learning disabilities, if any.

Organized Homework
Homework and assignments are always hectic dashes and last minute scribbles. Help your child to number the homework and assignments in an order from the longest to the shortest. Doing the longest one first will relieve the tension. This will save time and give you enough time to finish the pending work.

No work is ever done on a couch, in front of the TV or while eating. Designate a proper place to study. Everything related to studies, such as, stationery, books, and other study material should be kept at the designated study place. Make your child arrange the study table or the room according to his/her convenience. A well done up place, is a huge motivating factor to work well and perform even better.

Time Management
In a highly competitive world, our children too need to optimize their time right from the beginning. Time management implies, fixing time slots for everything. For example, 5:00 pm-7:00 pm is play time, 9:00 pm is bed time and so on. Having defined time slots will also teach your child to abide by the rules and respect regulations.

Bag Pack
Packing the bag for school, is a monotonous job. However, it cannot be escaped. The first mistake that parents make with children is that they pack the next day’s school bag themselves. That’s a strict NO! Let your child learn that it is an equally important task to do and if done on time, it will just take 5 minutes.

Toy Store
Needless to say that every kid loves to play. If the condition of the room after playing is up-side down after the kids are out of the room, teach your child to store the toys properly and in the place that they should be in. Make them respect the toys just as they respect you and others in the family. This will help them value their belongings, take good care of them and cherish them for as long as they can.

Often parents do their child’s homework, projects, and assignments in order to help him or her. In reality, it takes a toll on the child in the most adverse way. The child keeps getting dependent on you for every little thing. Developing critical thinking skills will help your kids become successful and well-informed individuals, who are ready to take-on anything that life has to offer. Take it up as a challenge and surely you will both come out with flying colors.