All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) Safety

All-terrain vehicles (ATVs) are off-road vehicles for recreational use. In most states, it’s legal for older kids and teens to ride them, even without a driver’s license. But with the thrills come major safety risks. ATVs can be unstable and hard to control, particularly at high speeds. Rollovers and collisions …

Do My Kids Need Vaccines Before Traveling?

We’ll be taking a big family vacation in a couple of months. Do my kids need to get any special immunizations before we go? – Doriana If you plan to travel abroad or internationally it’s possible that your children — and you — will need additional vaccinations. Different countries have …

How to Choose & Use Sunscreen

With all the sunscreens available these days (organic or mineral? water-resistant or sweat-resistant? lotion or spray?), choosing the right one for your kids can be tricky. But what matters most when picking a sunscreen is how well it protects skin from UV rays. How to Choose Look for SPF (sun …

Sexting: What Parents Need to Know

These days, almost every teen has many ways to get online: via smartphones, tablets, and laptops, all of which can be used in private. It’s very easy for teens to create and share personal photos and videos of themselves without their parents knowing about it. Most of the time, this …

All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) Safety

All-terrain vehicles (ATVs) are off-road vehicles for recreational use. In most states, it’s legal for older kids and teens to ride them, even without a driver’s license. But with the thrills come major safety risks. ATVs can be unstable and hard to control, particularly at high speeds. Rollovers and collisions …

Bike Safety

Bike riding is a great way to get exercise and fresh air and share time as a family. But before you and the kids rush out and start pedaling, there’s an important factor that you need to consider — safety. Helmet Basics Bicycle helmet use should not be optional for …

How to Choose & Use Sunscreen

With all the sunscreens available these days (organic or mineral? water-resistant or sweat-resistant? lotion or spray?), choosing the right one for your kids can be tricky. But what matters most when picking a sunscreen is how well it protects skin from UV rays. How to Choose Look for SPF (sun …

Is It OK for Kids to Sleep After a Possible Concussion?

Should kids be kept awake after a possible concussion? Or is it OK for them to sleep? – Erin It’s OK to allow a child to fall asleep after a possible concussion. In fact, especially for young kids, it can be difficult to keep them awake if they need to be …

Playground Safety

Playgrounds and outdoor play equipment offer kids fresh air, friends, and exercise. So it’s important for parents to make sure that faulty equipment, improper surfaces, and careless behavior don’t ruin the fun. Each year, more than 200,000 kids are treated in hospital ERs for playground-related injuries. Many of these accidents can …

Preventing Children’s Sports Injuries

Causes of Sports Injuries Participation in any sport, whether it’s recreational bike riding or Pee-Wee football, can teach kids to stretch their limits and learn sportsmanship and discipline. But any sport also carries the potential for injury. By knowing the causes of sports injuries and how to prevent them, you …