Medications: Using Them Safely

Medication Safety Giving kids medicine safely can be complicated. And many parents feel the pressure when a young child needs certain medications, knowing that giving too much or too little could cause serious side effects. But with a little knowledge and a lot of double-checking, you can give your kids medicine safely and …

Preventing Dog Bites

Most kids don’t think a cuddly dog would ever hurt them, but the fact is about 4.7 million dog bites happen every year in the United States — and more than half of kids bitten are under age 14. Dog bites can be much more than an innocent little nip, …

Selecting Safe Pets

Pets love us unconditionally. They’re also great for our health — mentally and physically. Caring for pets can boost self-esteem, prevent loneliness, and even lower heart rate and blood pressure in some people. Growing up with a pet can be wonderful for kids. But remember that although the experience gives …

Selecting Safe Pets

Pets love us unconditionally. They’re also great for our health — mentally and physically. Caring for pets can boost self-esteem, prevent loneliness, and even lower heart rate and blood pressure in some people. Growing up with a pet can be wonderful for kids. But remember that although the experience gives …

Sexting: What Parents Need to Know

These days, almost every teen has many ways to get online: via smartphones, tablets, and laptops, all of which can be used in private. It’s very easy for teens to create and share personal photos and videos of themselves without their parents knowing about it. Most of the time, this …

Taking Care of Your Grandchildren

When you take care of your grandkids — whether it’s for a few hours or a few days — you’re probably excited to put all of your great parenting experience to good use. But you may want to brush up on a few childcare basics. Government agencies and medical experts …

Walls & Floors, Doors & Windows, Furniture, Stairways: Household Safety Checklist

Walls & Floors Are walls in good condition, with no peeling or cracking paint (which could contain lead in older homes)? Are there any nails in the walls that should be removed? Are mirrors and frames hung securely? Are rugs secured to floors or fitted with anti-slip pads underneath? Doors …

Why Is Hand Washing So Important?

A delicious mud pie, a good-luck rock, a friendly frog — just some of the types of goodies kids love to bring home. But these adorable gifts also can bring millions of germs with them. Kids don’t always listen when parents tell them to wash their hands before eating, after …

Head Injuries

Head injuries fall into two categories: external injuries, usually involving the scalp internal head injuries, which may involve the skull, the blood vessels within the skull, or the brain Fortunately, most childhood falls or blows to the head cause injury to the scalp only. While these can be scary-looking, they usually …

Heat Illness

Our bodies create a tremendous amount of heat. Normally, they’re cooled through sweating and by heat radiating through the skin. But in very hot weather, high humidity, and other conditions, this natural cooling system may begin to fail, letting heat in the body build to dangerous levels. The can cause heat illness, such as heat …