If your child prematurely loses a baby tooth, there’s no need to try to replace it. But if a permanent tooth is dislodged, it’s a dental emergency. Permanent teeth have the best chance of survival if replaced within 15 minutes. So it’s important to act quickly and follow the guidelines below. Many …
First Aid: The Flu
Sometimes mistaken for the common cold, the flu (influenza) causes more symptoms and can sometimes cause serious illness. Fortunately, most kids who get the flu get over the infection without any problems. The flu occurs most often in the winter months. Signs and Symptoms fever chills headache muscle aches loss …
First Aid: Tick Bites
While most tick bites are harmless and don’t require medical treatment, some ticks (like the deer tick, wood tick, and others) can carry harmful germs and cause diseases like Rocky Mountain spotted fever and Lyme disease. The deer tick is tiny, no larger than a pencil point. Other ticks are …
First Aid: Urination Pain
Pain during urination can be caused by infection in the urinary system; irritation or injury of the genital area; or stones (small masses of minerals) in the urinary tract. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are the most common cause of painful urination. Signs and Symptoms burning or stinging with urination the …
First Aid: Vomiting
Vomiting can be caused by many things, most commonly gastroenteritis (the “stomach flu”). Vomiting can cause kids to lose fluids, salts, and minerals, so it’s important to make sure these are replaced. What to Do 1. Do not feed milk products or solid foods to a child who has been vomiting. 2. …
First Aid: Warts
Warts are common skin infections that can affect any area of the body, but tend to occur on the fingers, hands, elbows, and bottom of the feet. Warts generally don’t cause serious problems, so they may not need to be removed. There are several types of warts, including common warts, …
Lead Poisoning
About Lead Poisoning If you have young kids, it’s important to find out whether there’s any risk that they might be exposed to lead, especially if you live in an older home. Many toys and other products from outside the United States have also been found to contain lead. Long-term …
Leaving Your Child Home Alone
Whether it’s a snow day home from school, an unexpected business appointment, or a childcare arrangement that fell through, situations are likely to arise where you feel you have little choice but to leave your child home alone. It’s natural for parents to be a bit anxious when first leaving kids …
Making Sure Your Teen’s Job Is Safe
Teen Safety at Work Your 13-year-old comes to you and asks permission to start babysitting so she can earn enough money for that new video game. Or maybe your 16-year-old wants to work at the local fast-food restaurant so he can save money for a car. If you’re like many …
Making the Holidays Safe
Family gatherings, special traditions, delicious treats — the holiday season may be the most wonderful time of the year, especially for kids. Unfortunately, for emergency room doctors it’s also one of the busiest. Learn how to protect your little ones from some common holiday dangers, so you and your family can …