My 15-year-old daughter has been exercising multiple times a day and it’s beginning to take over her life. Can this be bad for her? – Alysanne Excessive exercising can indeed be detrimental to your daughter’s health. Over-exercising, often associated with eating disorders, can lead to tendon, ligament, bone, cartilage, joint, …
Monthly Archives: March 2017
Motivating School-Age Kids to Be Active
Being Active Every Day Most of us know that kids are supposed to get at least 60 minutes of physical activity a day. And 1 hour spent being active sounds like a pretty easy goal, doesn’t it? But as kids get older, increasing demands on their time can make getting that …
Raising a Fit Preschooler
Preschoolers have a lot of energy, which they use in a more organized way than when they were toddlers. Instead of just running around in the backyard, a preschooler has the physical skills and coordination to ride a tricycle or chase a butterfly. Preschoolers also are discovering what it means …
Safe Exploring for Preschoolers
Ready to Explore Kids ages 3-5 have tons of energy and are eager to walk, run, dance, and play. It’s a great age for exploration too. Preschoolers learn a lot when given the chance to investigate their environments (with supervision, of course). There’s much for preschoolers to explore. Now that …
Safe Exploring for Toddlers
On the Move Toddlers — it’s hard to imagine a more fitting name for this stage of development. Between the ages of 1 and 3, toddlers are literally scooting away from babyhood in search of new adventures. They’re learning to talk, to walk and run, and to assert their independence. …
Should Your Preschooler Play Sports?
What Kind of Activity? There’s nothing cuter than a bunch of preschoolers playing T-ball or soccer, but is it the best way for them to be active? Probably not. Team sports offer a chance for preschoolers to meet each other and get some exercise, but can be too complicated. Even …
Signing Kids Up for Sports
The Benefits of Sports Organized sports can help kids grow in many ways. From soccer to fencing, sports offer chances for kids to: learn and master skills work with their peers and coaches challenge themselves in a safe environment learn the value of practice and the challenge of competition And on top …
Emily was crying by the time the softball game ended. It wasn’t because her team had lost. It wasn’t because she was unhappy about her own playing. It wasn’t even because of anything the other team had said or done. Emily’s tears came after her dad yelled at her — …
Strength Training and Your Child
Strength training can help kids and teens build healthy muscles, joints, and bones. With a properly designed and supervised program, they can improve endurance, total fitness level, and sports performance. Strength training can even help prevent injuries and speed up recovery. About Strength Training Strength training is the practice of …
Toddlers at the Table: Avoiding Power Struggles
Toddlers are learning to navigate their world, communicate, and control some parts of their lives. They don’t actually have control over much, but eating is one of the first areas they will master. Parents can help them enjoy their limited power by giving them appropriate amounts of freedom when it comes …