Helping your child manage an egg allergy means being aware of what he or she eats and reading food labels carefully. It’s work, but it’s important. About Egg Allergy Eggs in themselves aren’t bad, but when someone is allergic to them, the body thinks they are. When a person is …
Fats and Your Child
As with carbohydrates in recent years, fats have been wrongly accused of being “bad.” Too much fat can be a bad thing, but certain kinds of fat are actually good for us and are an important part of a healthy diet. About Fat Fats are nutrients in food that the …
Feeding Your 1- to 2-Year-Old
Toddlers this age are moving from the eating habits they had as infants toward a diet more like your own. Your job is to keep introducing new flavors and textures. Food preferences are set early in life, so help your child develop a taste for healthy foods now. Toddlers have …
Feeding Your 1- to 3-Month-Old
During your baby’s first 3 months, breast milk or formula will provide all the nutrition needed. Do you breastfeed your 1- to 3-month-old baby? YesYes, and I’m also supplementing with formulaNo VoteView Results As your infant grows, feeding will change. Babies move toward consuming more milk during each feeding, so …
Feeding Your 4- to 7-Month-Old
Most babies this age are introduced to solid foods. Experts recommend gradually starting solid foods when a baby is about 6 months old, depending on the baby’s readiness and nutritional needs. Be sure to check with your doctor before giving any solid foods. Is My Baby Ready to Eat Solids? How can …
Feeding Your 8- to 12-Month-Old
By about 8 months old, most babies are pros at handling the iron-fortified infant cereals and the pureed foods that have been introduced as part of their diet along with breast milk or formula. Over the next few months, they start to explore table foods. Changing Eating Habits As you …
Feeding Your Newborn
How you feed your newborn is the first nutrition decision you will make for your child. These guidelines on breastfeeding and bottle feeding can help you make the decision that’s right for you and your baby. Breast or Bottle? Medical experts say breastfeeding is best for newborns. Specifically, the American Academy of …
Fiber and Your Child
Few kids would say they crave a good fiber-rich meal. Although the thought of fiber might bring gags and groans from kids, many appetizing foods are actually great sources of fiber — from fruits to whole-grain cereals. Foods with fiber are not just for the senior-citizen crowd. They’re beneficial to …
Fluoride and Water
Keeping kids’ teeth healthy means more than just daily brushing. During a routine well-child exam, you may be surprised to find the doctor examining your child’s teeth and asking you about your water supply. That’s because fluoride, a substance found naturally in water, plays an important role in healthy tooth …
Food Allergies
Ben had just started eating his lunch when his mom noticed him trying to scratch an itch in his mouth. After he vomited and began wheezing, his mom took him to the doctor. Ben was diagnosed with a food allergy — in this case, to peanuts. Along with milk, eggs, …