How Can I Improve My Child’s Eating Habits?

I want to try to reform my daughter’s unhealthy eating habits. But I am worried that by not letting her eat high-calorie, high-fat junk food, I’ll be paving the way for her to develop an eating disorder. I want her to be healthy, but I don’t want to make her unhappy about herself either. How do I handle this?
– Julie

Balance is the most important thing when developing healthy eating habits. Teach your daughter to eat healthy foods the majority of the time and to save fattening or sugar-filled junk foods for occasional treats. These treats should not be completely banned or else they will be even more appealing to your daughter!

Encourage healthy habits by:

  • having family meals
  • being a good role model yourself
  • stocking up on a variety of healthy food options
  • serving three meals a day, with good-for-you snacks in between
  • encouraging your kids to drink water rather than sodas and juices

Give your daughter ways to boost her self-esteem, give her lots of compliments, and encourage her to talk to you if she has any concerns about her body image.

Reviewed by: Larissa Hirsch, MD
Date reviewed: July 2014