Kawasaki disease is an illness that involves the skin, mouth, and lymph nodes, and most often affects kids under age 5. The cause is unknown, but if the symptoms are recognized early, kids with Kawasaki disease can fully recover within a few days. Untreated, it can lead to serious complications …
Milk Allergy
About Milk Allergy Allergy to milk is sometimes confused with lactose intolerance, because both can cause problems after drinking milk — but they are very different and unrelated. Lactose intolerance is annoying and can cause discomfort, but it is not life threatening. Milk allergy, though, can cause someone to become …
Milk Allergy in Infants
About Milk Allergy People of any age can have a milk allergy, but it’s more common in infants (affecting about 2% to 3% of babies). Many kids outgrow it, but some don’t. When a baby is allergic to milk, it means that his or her immune system, which normally fights infections, …
Nut and Peanut Allergy
About Peanut and Tree Nut Allergies First grade has been a difficult parenting year for Anne. Her 6-year-old son, Justin, began eating lunch in the cafeteria with hundreds of other students armed with their peanut butter sandwiches, peanut butter crackers, and all those hidden peanuts in their processed foods. For …
Ozone, Air Quality, and Asthma
If your child has asthma, you probably understand triggers — those substances or activities that bring on breathing problems. But what if the asthma trigger is in the air your child breathes? Ground-level ozone and other air pollutants can trigger worsening symptoms and asthma flare-ups. But you can help minimize …
Poison Ivy
Leaves of three, let them be! You’ve probably heard that little rhyme about poison ivy. But did you know that poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac all contain the same rash-causing substance? It’s urushiol, a colorless, odorless oil (or resin) contained in the leaves of the plants. Signs and …
Psoriasis can be worrying, especially when you see your child struggle with itching or discomfort. For most kids, psoriasis is limited to just a few patches that usually respond well to treatment. More serious cases might need more aggressive treatment. But the good news is that there are many options. …
Seasonal Allergies (Hay Fever)
About Seasonal Allergies “Achoo!” It’s your son’s third sneezing fit of the morning, and as you hand him another tissue you wonder if these cold-like symptoms — the sneezing, congestion, and runny nose — have something to do with the recent weather change. If he gets similar symptoms at the …
Serious Allergic Reactions (Anaphylaxis)
Kids with severe allergies can be at risk for a sudden, potentially life-threatening allergic reaction called anaphylaxis. This reaction can be frightening — a child may feel like his or her throat is closing or might faint, for example. But the good news is that when treated properly, anaphylaxis can …
Severe Combined Immunodeficiency
Right after they’re born, babies are partially protected from infections by antibodies transmitted to them by their mothers. (Antibodies are special chemicals made by the body to fight infections.) Within the next few months, though, their immune systems develop and begin to assume responsibility for fighting off infections. But sometimes, …