
Most kids get itchy rashes at one time or another. But eczema can be a nuisance that may prompt scratching that makes the problem worse. The term eczema refers to a number of different skin conditions in which the skin is red and irritated and sometimes has small, fluid-filled bumps that …

Egg Allergy

Helping your child manage an egg allergy means being aware of what he or she eats and reading food labels carefully. It’s work, but it’s important. About Egg Allergy Eggs in themselves aren’t bad, but when someone is allergic to them, the body thinks they are. When a person is …

Environmental Control Measures

Parents of kids with allergies should use environmental control measures to reduce their child’s exposure to allergy triggers. Some are easy to do, but others can be costly or fairly time-consuming. Talk with your doctor or health care provider about starting with environmental control measures that will limit the allergens and …

Fish Allergy

About Fish Allergy A fish allergy is not exactly the same as a seafood allergy. Seafood includes both fish (like tuna or cod) and shellfish (like lobster or clams). Even though they both fall into the category of “seafood,” fish and shellfish are biologically different. So shellfish will not cause …

Five Ways to Prepare for an Allergy Emergency

Quick action will help your child during a serious allergic reaction. Kind of like a fire drill, it’s smart to occasionally review the instructions your doctor gave you and run through the steps you would take in an emergency. Here’s a checklist for any parent of a seriously allergic child: …

Food Allergies

Ben had just started eating his lunch when his mom noticed him trying to scratch an itch in his mouth. After he vomited and began wheezing, his mom took him to the doctor. Ben was diagnosed with a food allergy — in this case, to peanuts. Along with milk, eggs, …

Going to School With Food Allergies

Young kids with food allergies can stay safe at school, but it takes organization, preparation, and education. Here are tips on keeping your child safe during the school year — and all year long: Springtime: Now’s the time to make a summertime appointment to see your child’s allergist. And set …

Henoch-Schönlein Purpura (HSP) Hives (Urticaria)

At first, Tyler developed red patches and raised spots that turned purple and looked like bruises all over his legs and buttocks. Then he complained that his stomach and knees hurt. When his parents took him to the doctor to find out what was wrong, the doctor said that Tyler …

If My Child Has Food Allergies, What Should I Look for When Reading Food Labels?

My child has food allergies — what should I look for when reading food labels? – Alyson Carefully reading food labels is one of the most important things parents can do when their child has a food allergy.Always avoid any food whose label says it contains your child’s allergen. And keep …

Insect Sting Allergy

About Insect Sting Allergy Insect stings usually are minor annoyances. But they can cause serious and sometimes even deadly reactions in kids who are allergic to them. Insects that can trigger allergic reactions include honeybees, yellowjackets, hornets, wasps, and fire ants. When they sting, they inject venom into the skin. Allergic …