Your Child’s Development: 1.5 Years (18 Months)

You may have noticed that your toddler’s growth has slowed a bit since the first year of life. Babies grow at what seems like lightning pace, but toddlers grow at a much slower rate. While it might look as if little has changed on the outside, your toddler is making …

Your Child’s Growth

What Is Growth? From the moment parents greet their newborn, they watch the baby’s progress eagerly, anticipating every inch of growth and each new developmental milestone along the way. But how can they tell if their child is growing properly? Physical growth refers to the increases in height and weight and …

Your Colicky Baby

Your baby cries every evening for hours at a time, and the crying has worn you down to the point where you feel like joining in. What could be upsetting your child? Newborns cry and get fussy sometimes. During the first 3 months of life, they cry more than any other …

When Can My Baby Start Eating Solid Foods?

A friend of mine just started giving her 3-month-old applesauce and rice cereal. My son is just 2 weeks younger than hers, and I am wondering if I should be introducing solids soon, too. When should I start? – Taylor The best time to introduce solid foods is when your …

Separation Anxiety

Tearful, tantrum-filled goodbyes are common during a child’s earliest years. Around the first birthday, many kids develop separation anxiety, getting upset when a parent tries to leave them with someone else. Though separation anxiety is a perfectly normal part of childhood development, it can be unsettling. Understanding what your child …

Reading Books to Babies

Jacob loves books. His mom knows this because when she sits down to read to him every night, he waves his arms excitedly. His favorite page of “Goodnight Moon” shows a cow jumping over the moon. He squeals and reaches for the book every time he sees it. When she …

Don’t Babies Have Separation Anxiety?

We recently left our 5-month-old daughter with trusted friends overnight. We were so worried about how she’d react, but our friends said she was fine the entire time. Don’t babies experience separation anxiety when they’re away from their parents? – Allia and Chris The first time you leave your baby …

Does My Toddler Have a Language Delay?

My 2½-year-old daughter seems to talk less than her sister did at this age. I know that kids develop language skills at different times, but I’m still concerned. What’s “normal” for her age? – Nina As you mention, all children (yes, even siblings!) develop and refine their language skills at …

Communication and Your Newborn

Do you remember your baby’s very first cry? From the moment of birth, babies begin to communicate. At first, your newborn’s cries may seem like a foreign language. But before you know it, you’ll learn your baby’s “language” and be able to answer your little one’s needs. How Babies Communicate …

Communication and Your 8- to 12-Month-Old

During these months, your baby might say “mama” or “dada” for the first time, and will communicate using body language, like pointing and shaking his or her head. Your baby will pay even more attention to your words and gestures and will try very hard to imitate you — so …